1. What does every man hate, yet
no man wants to lose?
*His Job.
2. What runs day and night, but
never stops?
*A River.
3. How many sides does a circle
*Two. The inside and the outside.
4. What has wheels and flies?
*A Garbage Truck.
5. Melissa's mother has 7 kids. Their
names are Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. What is the 7th kid's
6. What weighs more? A pound of
bricks or a pound of feathers?
*They both weigh a pound, so
they both weigh the same.
7. If you have three oranges and
you take away two, how many
will you have?
*The answer is two, since you
have taken two.
8. What gets wetter the more it
*A Towel.
9. What has four legs but cannot
*A Table.
10. What do cows drink?
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